School Regulations

  • Parents /Guardian is regularly requested pursue the School diary Home Assignment book. Remarks of the Teacher in the School diary and Home Assignment book be regularly perused and signed by the parent. Your co-operation is very essential for the performance of the pupil.
  • Pupil must be present at School five minutes before the first bell. The gate will be closed after the first bell.
  • If you observe that your child is unable follow the lessons, the Principal / HM should be consulted with. Private tuitions are discouraged .In case your child needs coaching, remedial classes will be conducted by the school out of School hours by subject teachers concerned.
  • Attendance is compulsory at all School function.
  • School provides a host of Extra – curricular and Co-curricular Activities to the Students. We would request the parents to encourage their children to avail of themselves to these facilities in the best interest of the child.
  • No student will be allowed to appear for any terminal examination unless all School dues have been cleared before the respective examination.
  • Without the written request from the parents / guardian and permission from the Principal / HM pupil will not be allowed to leave the School hours.
  • It is compulsory for the parents to attend the OPEN DAY to assess their child’s progress and performance.
  • The School attaches a high degree of importance to discipline so that the children imbibe the right habits and moral values. The School does not tolerate any kind of indiscipline and would from time to time apprise the parents in case of any breach. Parents are requested to co-operate in the best interest of the Child so that they are properly molded.
  • Pupil leaving the School during the year will have to pay the full fees of the term.
  • Parents / Guardian should not visit the classroom or meet the teachers during the class hours. Those who seek information or wish to interact should contact the teachers or the Principal / H.M on Saturdays (expect second Saturday) between 8.00pm and 3.00 pm . Opinions and suggestion are welcome and will be looked into and replied.
  • All the students will be held responsible for the safety of their own copies, books and other misc. items. Each article should be marked with student’s Name, class & Section.
  • All the students should bring ‘home-cooked food’ as their lunch/ tiffin with them for the recess.
  • All the students must come to school in time, in neat and proper uniform. If not, may be excluded for class or sent back home.
  • Girls students are not allowed to wear valuable ornaments etc.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any electronic gadgets etc.
  • For the absence of students, a written application must be sent to the Principal.
  • A Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner must be attached with the application if a student is sick or ill.
  • All books and copies must complete their work as well as home work regularly.
  • Parents/Guardians must see and sign the diary of their wards daily.
  • For smooth running of school and ensure proper discipline, parents/guardians are requested to co-operate with school administration.
  • A fine my be imposed if a student is found guilty of any misconduct or causes loss to the property of the school.
  • Students are advised not keep more than Rs.20 rupees.
  • Parents are requested not to approach the teachers directly while they are teaching in the classes.
  • Students are forbidden from leaving the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Participation of students in all activities of the school is compulsory for every student.
  • Students shall not offer gifts or present to the teachers.
  • Admission & continuation in the school is not a matter of any students, in case of expulsion no damages can be claimed.